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„French toast is one of the most popular things to eat in France, in some people’s minds I’m pretty sure. All it takes is egg, bread, some other stuff, and a bit of confidence to make you feel like you’re eating breakfast on the other side of the Atlantic. Unless you’re already on the other side, in which case, welcome home.“
Throw your bread around somebody’s apartment and let it sit and get stale over night,
Or don’t because who plans on making French toast the next day?
You do. So throw that bread around the apartment.
Good breads for French toast include: brioche, Challah, French, artisan white bread, sandwich bread, some other kind of white bread, , and bread that is white
Then take:
2 large eggs
3/8 cup of milk
½ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
Wangjangle into a smoothie and pour it into a hubcap
Then dip your bread for somewhere between 1 and 30 seconds and flip it and dip it again for somewhere between 2 and 29 seconds
Put your pan on medium
Melt butter and if you want you can add vegetable oil because it will raise the burning point of the butter so it’s a good idea if you’re making a lot of French toast
Then throw the French toast around the apartment to really show everyone who’s the boss of this joint and squirt maple syrup everywhere as well
Then sober up and get some help. Jesus what happened to you.“
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