Ich mag Corn Dogs! Die sind für mich der bessere Hot Dog… Okay, hängt vom Hot Dog und Corn Dog ab, wenn da so massig matschige Pommes drum sind, ist das eher nichts für mich. Nur gut, dass
You Suck at Cooking direkt mehrere Varianten auftischt!
„Corn dogs don’t necessarily have corn in them, and these Korean style corn dogs certainly do not. But they are shaped like corn cobs and they taste better than corn, so there’s no reason to be upset.“
1. Go to the store
2. Buy corn dogs
3. Enjoy
1 ¼ cups flour
2 tablespoon sugar
½ teaspoon salt
1.3 teaspoon yeast
1 egg
100 ml warm water
Wangjangle until your wrist is furious (I did it for a few minutes tops)
Let it sit for half an hour
Dry off anything you’re rolling in it
Peg your dogs
Roll ‘em
Roll them in artisan Italian bread crumbs (okay seriously this is a flavor game changer and I can’t recommend them enough. Kortalian food just has such depth.
Fry for 3 minutes
Cool for a few minutes
I think anything else is pretty straight forward
If you do the potato dog you can roll them in the bread crumbs after the potatoes
The nice thing about super thick doughy batter is you don’t have to rush to get the dogs in the oil because they mostly keep their shape, unlike with other battery batters that are act like liquids because they are one
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