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Witze aus dem viktorianischen Zeitalter

Witze aus dem viktorianischen Zeitalter viktorianische-witze

Lee Jackson führt die Website Dictionary of Victorian London, auf der es um das Leben und die Gesellschaft in der britischen Hauptstadt um die Zeit von Queen Victoria geht, also allgemein die Jahre zwischen 1837 und 1901. Und ja, auch damals war flacher Humor anscheinend bereits etabliert…

„Most surviving Victorian ‚facetiae‘ such as appeared in magazines, newspapers and joke books, are rather staid affairs, relying on mild breaches of social convention, stereotypes which no longer have any resonance, or terrible puns. Nonetheless, some are genuinely funny, some evocative of the era, and others fall into the category of ’so bad it’s good‘ …“

Why is a dog like a tree? Because they both lose their bark once they’re dead.

„See here, waiter, I’ve found a button in my salad.“ „That’s all right, sir, it’s part of the dressing.“

Marriage is an institution intended to keep women out of mischief and get them into trouble.

Who is the greatest chicken-killer in Shakespeare? Macbeth, because he did murder most foul.

If William Penn’s aunts kept a pastry shop, what would be the prices of their pies? The pie-rates of Penn’s Aunts.

Why should the number 288 never be mentioned in company? Because it is two gross.

„There’s a man at Camberwell so fat that they grease the omnibus-wheels with his shadow.“

HE: „I am a millionaire. Haven’t I got money enough for both of us?'“
SHE: „Yes, if you are moderate in your tastes.“

Doesn’t it make you dizzy to waltz? Yes, but one must get used to it, you know. It’s the way of the whirled.

WIFE: „You loved me before we were married!“
HUSBAND: „Well, now it’s your turn!“

Pawnbrokers prefer customers without any redeeming qualities.

Why is a manuscript always called a MS.? Because that is the state in which the editor finds it.

A lady wrote the following letters at the bottom of her flour barrel: O I C U R M T.

„I have the best wife in the world,“ said the long-suffering husband. „She always strikes me with the soft end of the broom.“

SERVANT: „Ma’am, your husband has eloped with the cook!“
WIFE: „Good! Now I can have the maid to myself, once in a while.“

What is the difference between a tube and a foolish Dutchman? One is a hollow cylinder and the other a silly Hollander.

Weitere viktorianische Witze gibt es hier zu lesen.

via: historytoday

Beitrag von: Maik Freitag, 20. Oktober 2017, 15:05 Uhr

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