Entgegen dem durchwachsenen Sommerwetter bleibt die WIN Compilation von Martin und mir einfach Monat für Monat auf einem sensationellen Niveau. In der September-Ausgabe erwarten euch erneut 47 freshe Clips, die in unter neun Minuten den September bereits am ersten Tag zu einem Supermonat machen. Und der Wochenstart ist perfekt!
Wie immer danken wir nicht nur den Fundquellen, sondern auch denen, die die Compilation so dufte finden, wie wir selbst und sie weiterteilen. Enjoy & share!

Originalvideos in chronologischer Reihenfolge:
1 . Thunderstruck by Steve’n’Seagulls (LIVE)
2 . C3yoyodesign Present WYYC2014 1A Champion Gentry Stein
3 . Epic Backheel Lob Goal in Brazilian Futsal League 04/08/2014
4 . Artista Callejero Dibujando a Bruce Lee (Street Artist Drawing Bruce Lee)
5 . World Record Football Punch | Robert Helenius vs. Lassi Hurskainen
6 . My Printer at Work Catches its Paper
7 . Bull Boy
8 . #SharkCat Entertains #SharkBaby! Happy #SharkWeek!!! | TexasGirly1979
9 . Serenading the cattle with my trombone
10 . Vine 2728: Notification trolling. #noises #impressions by Manfred Hanberg
11 . So I caught our horse rocking out..
12 . Slow Motion Triple Kickflip w/ Skateboarder Shaun Rodriguez
13 . One legged guy break dancing …u are normal
14 . Birds Panhandling
15 . 5Club MX5 Cup Silverstone International 2014 Race 2 – Start
16 . Sailing with GoPro, loads of jellyfish (vandmænd)
17 . GoPro: 30 Hoop Hula
18 . Diesel blows bubbles in the pool on command!
19 . Horse vs Dirtbike
20 . GoPro: Kama The Surfing Pig
21 . Fantastic Street Techno Drummer
22 . How my mice ask me to open the door
23 . INCROYABLE – Relais France 4x400m Femme – Championnats d’Europe 2014 – Incredible Moment Women Relay
24 . ДТП мотоциклист.
25 . Sean McColl vs. Jimmy Webb in the Quarter-Finals of the 2014 Psicobloc Masters
26 . #stabthumbwerk XXXI
27 . Back Flip Bicycle Kick Trick Shot
28 . DEMO 32 – Paraplegic Rides a Skateboard
29 . Doggy/Baby Jogger
30 . Gettin‘ Lucky with a Bassoon and Theremin
32 . Hand swallowing cars and traffic
33 . Here it is training! ! ! ! cool!!
34 . Hovercraft 2.0
36 . Jr. Worlds Champion Iman SADEGHIKOUKANDEH (IRI) flips off one foot to score an impressive takedown!
37 . Kayakers Lose Control in Drainage Ditch
38 . Logan Martin // This Is Me // BMX 2014
39 . Mark Oxley (‚keeper) scores for Hibs
40 . Mat Armitage – In My Dreams
41 . Old Man Dancing Like a Boss Original Video
42 . Silly Baby Boy goes crazy over a remote control
43 . The Avalanche Line – Wingsuit flight in the Alps
44 . Tortoise vs. Truck
45 . World’s Largest Urban Zipline
46 . [WATCH] Woman ‚Playing‘ Adorable Dog Like Musical Instrument | AMAZING
47 . Coolest busker I’ve ever seen [PIPE GUY] ORIGINAL VIDEO [2014]
Special thanks to:
awsm , b3ta , blameitonthevoices , Dailypicksandflicks , DrLiMa , Falscheneun , Hans-Wurst , Hirnverbrandt , Joannecasey , Kraftfuttermischwerk , Likecool , Nerddrugs , Only-Good-Stuff , SchlecksSilberstein , Tastefullyoffensive , Testspiel , Theawesomer , Twentytwowords und ViralViralVideos .
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