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WIN Compilation: Rest of 2019


WIN Compilation: Rest of 2019 WIN-rest-of

Wie bereits im vergangenen Jahr haben Martin und ich auch dieses Jahr ein kleines Weihnachts-Präsent in Form einer Extra-Ausgabe unserer „WIN Compilation“ für euch parat. Einige Videos, die wir über das Jahr im Rahmen unserer aktuellen Monats-Videos „verpasst“ hatten, zusammengefasst. Immerhin 30 weitere WINs und die Möglichkeit, einige davon mal etwas ausführlicher als sonst zeigen zu können.

Enjoy & share!

WIN Compilation Rest of 2019

„As you hopefully know, we seek to only use new videos for our mothly compilations. Throughout the year several times we find worthy WIN material but don’t use it because it is „too old“. But for this case we have our lovely little „Rest of“ out of order! With this we can catch up on all the awesome clips we did miss in 2019. Came out a little shorter than usual, but nevertheless these 30 clips hopefully make a neat little Christmas gift for you. 🎁 Happy holidays! 🎄“

Danke fürs Anschauen! Solltest du sowas mögen, dann abonniere doch am besten unseren YouTube-Kanal, damit du keine der 2019er Editionen verpasst. Wir würden uns sehr freuen.

Abschließend noch alle Original-Videos in chronologischer Reihenfolge (mit jeweiliger Quellangabe):

1 . 12.16.18 Let It Go From Frozen by Katkat at O Bar (via)
2 . Treezilla! The Godzilla Christmas Tree (via)
3 . Magie gegen Melancholie (via)
4 . look closely. (via)
5 . 9 kittens born. I was taking pictures, trying to capture them all. Decided to make a video instead (via)
6 . 3 Eating Inventions – For Chips, M&Ms and Watermelon
7 . Last Rehearsal for ARABS GOT TALENT AUDITION – MAYYAS by Nadim Cherfan (via)
8 . Epischer Ballwechsel zwischen Grigor Dimitrov und Andy Murray (Acapulco 2014) (via)
9 . Sitio Madaguldol, Brgy. Inabuan – around 11a.m (via)
10 . Turns out bookie pens substitute as a musical instrument 😳😂 (via)
11 . What robot vacuums do when you sleep! (via)
12 . Super Mario Bros. theme performed on credit card swipe machines (via)
13 . vile_graffiti (via)
14 . Lunar Module Costume: Big Sis Lunar Lander, Little Sis Astronaut (with flag) (via)
15 . Rapper’s Delight – Performed by Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant (via)
16 . Water and steel (via)
17 . 2 Hands 2 Drawings at the same Time – DP Truong (via)
18 . Windowed Nyan Cat (via)
19 . Freediving Under Clear Ice || ViralHog (via)
20 . 第3回ROBO-ONE剣道 3位決定戦 Bluethunder? vs Metallic Fighter (via)
21 . Buddy Mercury’s Band Jam-A-ROOOO!!! (via)
22 . My Baby’s Reaction to Hearing a Violin for the First Time – Toddler violin (via)
23 . Rare Viral Must See Yosemite Falls Rainbow Phenomenon Real Time (via)
24 . 100-Drone Stock Show | Firefly Drone Shows (via)
25 . SUMMONING SHENRON! | Dragon Ball Contact Juggling (r/oddlysatisfying) (via)
26 . When mom wakes up and wants to party 😍🤩🤙🏼🍾🥂 (via)
27 . Techno Jew’s Harp (via)
28 . How to make inverted bubbles (via)
29 . Паровоз 7 10 2019 (via)
30 . Regen spielt auf Handpan (via)

Beitrag von: Maik Mittwoch, 25. Dezember 2019, 09:00 Uhr


5 Kommentare

  1. Pingback: Win-Compilation Rest of 2019 | Win-Compilation

  2. Pingback: WIN-Compilation – Rest of 2019 |

  3. Pingback: WIN Compilation: Rest of 2020

  4. Pingback: Wie ein perspektivisches 3D-Mural entsteht

  5. Pingback: Win-Compilation - Rest of 2019 - Was is hier eigentlich los

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