47 Clips in 8:24 Minuten!

WIN Compilation Oktober 2016


WIN Compilation Oktober 2016 WIN-Compilation-2016-10_00-1

Was gibt es besseres, als eine Woche, die erst am Dienstag anfängt? Klar doch – ein Wochenstarts-Dienstag mit WIN Compilation! Die haben Martin und ich euch wieder einmal in herbstanfänglicher Wollhandschuh-Muggeligkeit zusammengeklöppelt, so dass ihr aus dem Feiern gar nicht mehr heraus kommen braucht.

Die Oktober Edition ist einen Ticken kürzer als die letzten Compilations, hat aber erneut fast 50 Clips in sich, die in schneller Frequenz durch eure fürs Unterhaltungsempfinden zuständigen Lamellen sausen. Ein bisschen wie Lionel Messi also. Oder so. Genug geredet – Enjoy & share!

WIN Compilation Oktober 2016 WIN-Compilation-2016-10_01
WIN Compilation Oktober 2016 WIN-Compilation-2016-10_02

WIN Compilation Oktober 2016

WIN Compilation October 2016 (2016/10) | LwDn x WIHEL

Danke an alle, die das Video teilen! Unseren Kanal findet ihr hier, die einzelnen Videos der Compilation sind unten aufgelistet, und natürlich wieder oben links mittels ORIGINAL-Button im Clip verlinkt.

Die Original-Videos in chronologischer Reihenfolge:

1 . I just died in your arms tonight, Cat.
2 . 100 Plus Excavators Dismantle Overpass Bridge in East China
3 . 신랑 밥챙겨주는 아내 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Her husband forgot to bring lunch.
4 . ADO Den Haag fans geven zieke kinderen een knuffelregen in De Kuip
5 . When Your Pet Kangaroo Is Your Best Friend..
6 . This Dad is Ecstatic About his new Light-Up Sneakers (Storyful, Feel Good)
7 . Guy Moonwalks Across Europe
8 . GoPro Awards: Chicken Sonata
9 . Space Invaders with Drones
10 . Laguna Pool Drop 2
11 . Snail Slides Over Dog’s Nose
12 . My Car Plays Light Jazz (and I play along)
13 . FASTEST SKATEBOARDER EVER! 89.41 mph/143.89 km/h – Kyle Wester
14 . Blind chicken Mumble gets eyes!
15 . GoPro Awards: Slackline the Moai Tower
16 . Königliche Wachablösung im Tütü
18 . World’s most chilled Koala
19 . 5 Awesome Tricks with Lighters
20 . [HOONIGAN] Ken Block’s GYMKHANA NINE: Raw Industrial Playground
21 . Amazing Jump Rope Skills
22 . Beer save
24 . Breaking the Mold with her little Skateboard!!
25 . Cat Loves Electric Toothbrush
26 . Chicken EDM
27 . Class goes wild after student WINS them an A-grade by sinking impressive long shot
28 . Deer Goes for a Morning Skip Across a Beach
29 . Driver stops to let a cat cross the road using zebra crossing
30 . Dronesurfing
31 . Extreme Slam Dunk Show on Speeding Train | Dunking Devils
32 . Flaschenwurf von Marco Verratti.
33 . Flexible Guy Bends Over
34 . Friday fun at the office: Climball battle!
35 . Funny Reacts To Motorbike Race
36 . Funny Roomba Cat!!! Rides roomba hoover like a boss!
37 . Guy Riding An Ostrich Through Traffic
38 . Guy solves Rubik’s cube blindfolded in record time
39 . Metallophon 22
40 . How To Retrieve a Balloon from High Ceilings
41 . King Titus Vape: Artist Residency
42 . Lions Cubs vs Little dog
43 . Liquid Militia | T-Rex Steals Jet Ski And Does Insane Tricks With Mark Gomez
44 . Longboard Hand Stand
45 . Man Carry A Fridge On His Shoulder While Riding A Bike
46 . Watch: Zach McAllister Kick Save + Spinning Catch
47 . The Floppotron: The Final Countdown

Wie immer am Ende noch etwas Link Love für unsere Fundquellen des WIN:

abroath, areus, b3ta, blogbuzzter, cartoonland, digg, drlima, falscheneun, hans-wurst, interweb3000, itsrap, kraftfuttermischwerk, likecool, neatorama, orschlurch, schleckysilberstein, tastefullyoffensive, theawesomer, thekidshouldseethis, tyrosize und webtapete.

Beitrag von: Maik Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2016, 19:00 Uhr


10 Kommentare

  1. Pingback: WIN Compilation October 2016 | win-compilation.de

  2. Pingback: WIN Compilation October 2016 – Viral Viral Videos

  3. Pingback: WIN Compilation October 2016 - BuzzFeed

  4. Pingback: WIN Compilation October 2016 | All World News

  5. Pingback: Viral Nova » Get all the newest fascinating, hilarious, and thoughts-blowing tales on the Net. That is the stuff everybody's speaking about. » WIN Compilation October 2016

  6. Pingback: WIN Compilation October 2016 | Viral Stuff from Everywhere | Stuff that has Gone Viral

  7. Pingback: Win-Compilation im Oktober 2016 – Powered by WIHEL und langweiledich.net > Vermischtes > Video, WIN Compilation, YouTube

  8. Pingback: WIN Compilation October 2016 - Self Scroll is your home for inspiring images and the people who snapped them. Explore Happiness:))

  9. Pingback: WIN Compilation October 2016 - Viral News.ws- Grab latest news on trending and viral on social media. Trending news and photos from Facebook

  10. Pingback: Win-Compilation im Oktober 2016 :: Was is hier eigentlich los ::

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