Und plötzlich ist bereits Februar – what the…?! Ein Dutzendstel des Jahres ist bereits rum, Wahnsinn. Schon Weihnachtsgeschenke gekauft, Leute? Martin und ich noch nicht, denn wir waren mal wieder damit beschäftigt, das Beste vom Besten der Videounterhaltung aus dem Netz zu filtern. Satte 53 Einzelclips haben es in unsere Februar-Ausgabe der „WIN Compilation“ geschafft, was euch rund zehn Minuten allerfeinste Unterhaltung bescheren. Einen besseren Start ins Wochenende kann es gar nicht geben, oder?!
Enjoy & share!

„Happy February! After the slightly delayed first edition of the year we are punctual as ever to deliver you the second one. Against winterly grayness and coldness we have 53 awesome clips in 1 even awesomer video in store, containing 9:47 minutes of pure entertainment. We hope you like it – enjoy & share!“
WIN Compilation Februar Edition 2019
Am besten abonniert ihr unseren YouTube-Kanal, um keine neue Ausgabe zu verpassen. Und vor allem, damit wir uns ganz dolle freuen!
Zum Schluss gibt es noch die Liste der in der Ausgabe zu sehenden Originalclips (mit jeweiliger Quelle des WIN):
1 . Kleine Showeinlage auf dem Bau (via)
2 . Some of the best mimicry I’ve ever seen (via)
3 . Who made this chicken?! (via)
4 . Ice Skating on a Comfy Couch || ViralHog (via)
5 . This was the smoothest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life
6 . I made a Catapult Toaster, CATCH (via)
7 . Leaf Blower Powered Turbo Snow Sled || ViralHog (via)
8 . I am Big Billy (via)
9 . オープンリールコタツ会議 | Open Reel Kotatsu Session – Open Reel Ensemble (via)
10 . This bartender making a drink wait till the final step (via)
12 . Dogaroo is excited to see the vet. (via)
13 . Immerhin CO2 gespart! 😂 (via)
14 . BMX Riding Dubai’s Most Famous Landmarks | with Kriss Kyle (via)
15 . Dad Uses Son to Clean Snow Off Car || ViralHog
16 . Guys Make Homemade Raft to Celebrate Australia Day || ViralHog
17 . Brunettes Shoot Blondes – Houston (LIVE) (via)
18 . Little Girl Greets Horse Friends Every Morning || ViralHog
19 . Novak Djokovic and Italian journalist (via)
20 . A NEVER-ENDING SKETCHBOOK? | Mystery Art Supplies | Paletteful Packs Unboxing | Accordion SketchbooK
21 . Xiaomi President & co-founder Bin Lin shows foldable phone (via)
22 . my dog only responds to Harry Potter spells. (via)
23 . Snow In The Sea (via)
24 . Deer playing in puddle
25 . Man Films Amazing Walk Across World’s Deepest Frozen Lake (via)
26 . Chinese school principal teaches students shuffle dance during break (via)
27 . 220 Pound Weight vs. TEIN Shock Absorber (via)
28 . Westbrook Ice Circle in 4K (via)
29 . DIY Cat Toy Whack-A-Mole from Cardboard (via)
30 . Giant great white shark thrills divers off Oahu (via)
31 . Ich trinke zwar keinen Alkohol, aber das ist ja mal ne echt coole Idee aus dem überschneiten Österreich 😎❄️ (via)
32 . …ffs (via)
33 . Stealth mode (via)
34 . Amazing Awesome Waiters Skating (via)
35 . Penguin Indiana Jones (via)
36 . Badass guitar solo with HANDS ON FIRE (via)
37 . BEST POOL & BILLIARDS TRICK SHOTS – Venom Trickshots 2018! (via)
38 . Betonrohr abladen wie ein Profi (via)
39 . Soooo in love with this amazing new art installation at my house by @dantedentoniart !!!! (via)
40 . Jurassik Park #dafnefixed#cycling #dafne #dafne #dafnefixed#jurassicpark (via)
41 . Leon the Professional (via)
42 . Guy Hangs From Truck After Misbalancing and Falling out of It – 1020256 (via)
43 . Heatseeker (via)
44 . Honeybees Mesmerizing Defensive Wave || ViralHog (via)
45 . Ist das jetzt noch Bauchreden oder ist das schon Blasensingen 2.0? (via)
46 . Katelyn Ohashi – 10.0 Floor (1-12-19) (via)
47 . Man Builds Mercedes G-Wagon Made out of ICE! (via)
48 . Floating hedgehog really enjoys bath time (via)
49 . spinning-grid-process (via)
50 . The Matrix was a documentary (via)
51 . This is what peak athleticism looks like (via)
52 . Jetpacks für die Arme (via)
53 . Thriller (Michael Jackson) – Luca Stricagnoli (via)
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