Hier sind sie – die besten Videos, die das Internet im letzten Monat zu bieten hatte! Damit ihr nicht denkt, Martin und ich würden uns einen schlechten Aprilscherz erlauben, haben wir die April-Ausgabe der „WIN Compilation“ einfach mal auf den Zweiten des Monats gelegt. Dieses Mal habe ich den finalen Schnitt bereits vor dem Osterwochenende erledigt, so dass wir den einen oder anderen späteren Win Richtung Monatswechsel nicht mehr haben integrieren können. Sind aber dennoch stolze 60 Clips und fast zwölf Minuten geworden. Damit ist der erste Werktagsfeierabend doch direkt mal gerettet, würde ich meinen!
Beste Videos im März 2024
„Eastern, time change or April Fool’s – we’re above all that! Here’s the real thing to celebrate and take time for. Our new WIN Compilation features the best 60 clips from last month. Only the freshest for you, guys. Comment the number of your favorite WIN and you might end up in next month’s video! And don’t forget to watch our exclusives over at Patreon…“
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Du mochtest das? Dann abonniere doch unseren Kanal und/oder teile unser Video mit Freunden, Familie, Bekannten und allen anderen Menschen, die du kennst oder nicht kennst. Wer darüber hinaus noch seine Wertschätzung zeigen und sich coole Boni sichern möchte, darf das gerne über Patreon (oder alternativ indirekt über das deutsche Äquivalent Steady) machen. Aber auch wenn ihr „nur“ unsere Videos schauen solltet: HABT VIELEN DANK!
Liste der originalen Clips
Zum Schluss gibt es wie immer die Auflistung der Originalvideos zum Nachschauen und Einholen von Hintergrund-Infos. Die ist chronologisch geführt und entsprechend der oben links im Video jeweils pro Clip eingeblendeten Nummer sortiert. Einfach abgleichen, aufsuchen und in ganzer Länge anschauen. Plus: etwas Linkliebe für unsere Fundquellen.
2 . Ninja Cat Climbs Then Slides Down Playpen Bars Like a Human
3 . Informal Cooking Method as Motorcycle Exhaust Heats Up Corn
4 . Cellphone’s Miraculous Close Call During a Volleyball Game
5 . em là công chúa 😀 (via)
6 . #babymama #babyboy2024💙 #fun (via)
7 . Some ASMR style typewriter art of mine to relax and inspire you (via)
8 . These 3 indie devs are working on a game in which you play in 3D and 2D… at the same time (via)
9 . Little Boy Visits His Mom’s Grave 😭
10 . Amazing control and aim (hocke trick shots)
11 . Girl Mimics Snow Blowing As Snow Gets Unloaded Into a Truck
12 . this guys definitely the main character
13 . Akira Toriyama Tribute Mural in Peru (660 m2) (via)
14 . Impressive balance skills (MacAskill on the fence)
15 . 😮 #BVIRAL (defrost graffiti faces on frozen windshields)
16 . This is my best attempt at subways surfers x runaway thank you (via)
17 . Successful Trick Shot Onside Kick Attempt in Kitchen
18 . Calf Recognizes Familiar Cow’s Vocalization
19 . Can you make Ice skates from real ice? (via)
20 . Lady Swimming in the Majestic Stingless Jellyfish Lake
21 . This photo took me 7 minutes and 8 seconds to light paint 🌼 #shorts (via)
22 . Neelee practicing her water bending 🌊 (Dolphin blowing bubbles) (via)
23 . Smooth Operator: The Art of Waterslide Entry (via)
24 . Building A 120,000 Volt Ray Gun! (Portable lightning) (via)
25 . Cyclist Carries Multiple Boxes On Head (via)
26 . Havada Döner Yemek (Paragliding Kebab)
27 . Three goals, three points | Highlights Feyenoord – Heracles Almelo (rock paper scissor free kick)
28 . DOOM on Toothbrush , Doomsbrush (via)
29 . Riding down an abandoned MINE SHAFT !!
30 . I Built a LEGO Propeller Powered Drift Car! (via)
31 . #Triplet #dad #conquers #Home #Depot (via)
32 . A Dog And Its Owner Surfing (via)
33 . Animating Flipbooks Under a MICROSCOPE 🔬 (via)
34 . 🔥 An UNBELIEVABLE halfway goal from Terry Antonis for Melbourne City v Western Sydney Wanderers (via)
35 . Balloon popping with a laser
36 . Building a Cat-Sized Lego Train (via)
37 . Need a partner to shoot pool? This dog has the skills!
38 . Boat made out of red solo cups😂 (via)
39 . Fire fan looks amazing
40 . China, Shenzhen 2024.😍
41 . lead them to paradise #dunemovie (via)
42 . How Much Coke And Mentos Does It Take To Fly? (via)
43 . Menarek! 😄😄 (drivable kiddie rides) (via)
44 . Guy demonstrates how to create a custom ambigram (via)
45 . Most satisfying chocolate and espresso ever made (via)
46 . THE FUTURE | is apparently already here. This just happened in real life. 😂 (via)
47 . 😱 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐙𝐘! Just a normal day in the #BVBU19 dressing room! 😂 (via)
48 . This Guy Has Some Incredibly Smooth Robotic Dance Moves
49 . Youngster showing off his driving talent
50 . The gaffer? Yeah, he’s still got i (via)
51 . the man is a car himself
52 . They told me it was a 1 in a 1000 shot so I had to try…👀⛳️😨
53 . Trying to get both eggs in the basket! (via)
54 . Titi misses everyone very much. (dog shooting with rubber bands) (via)
55 . This 713ft/217m disc throw by Anthony Barela
56 . This was wiiiillllldddd!!!!! 😱 #freerollercoaster (via)
57 . Dog Persists in Retrieving Stuck Toy Under Closet
58 . A mean cup of joe ☕️ (Nail Design) (via)
59 . What a distinguished gentleman #catsoftiktok
60 . Caring Woman Walks Six Precious Dogs Using Wheelchairs
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