adumb hat es geschafft, die rund 195 Millionen internen Verlinkungen auf Wikipedia als großes verwobenes Netz darzustellen. Absoluter Big Data Pr0n! Man kann Wikipedia übrigens auch hören.
A deep dive into the network of Wikipedia and some of the the most interesting, bizarre, and unique articles on the website.
Technical details for nerds:
– Data is collected from Wikipedia dumps
– Graph is made with python-igraph
– Distributed Recursive Layout algorithm is used for the graph layout
– Leiden algorithm is used for community detection
– A valid article is any page in Wikipedia’s article namespace excluding redirect pages, disambiguation pages, and soft redirects
– A valid link is a link in an articles body. Links that appear in or after the „See Also“ section and links that appear as footnotes are not included since these are not really a part of the article’s body. Links in and after the „See Also“ section of pages are typically not used in Wikipedia races.
Quelle: „The Awesomer“
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