In diesem interessanten Zeitverlaufsvideo von Angel Nene bekommen wir nicht nur sehen, wie sich die Beatles im Laufe der Jahrzehnte optisch verändert haben, sondern auch zu hören, wie sich dessen Sound zwischen 1960 und 2017 entwickelt hat. Ein bisschen wie ein Timelapse-Video, nur dass das Facemorphing auf Basis von Einzelbildern „Live 3D“ genannt wird. Dabei fing alles mit ein paar schiefen Blockflötentönen und coolen Schwarzweiß-Portraits an.
„HOW HAS CHANGED PAUL MCCARTNEY, JOHN LENNON, GEORGE HARRISON AND RINGO STARR YEAR AFTER YEAR, IN EVERY AGE? Live face change of The Beatles and studio album chronology between year 1960 and 2017. Accompained by some of his best songs together or in solitary. Pictures taken from studio photos, interviews, documentaries, live in concert, tour moments, celeb events, etc.“
In Spite of All the Danger (The Beatles)
That’ll Be The Day (The Beatles)
My Bonnie (The Beatles With Tony Sheridan)
The Beatles in Cavern Club
Love Me Do (The Beatles)
Twist and Shout (The Beatles)
From Me To You (The Beatles)
I Want To Hold Your Hand (The Beatles)
She Loves You (The Beatles)
Can’t Buy Me Love (The Beatles)
A Hard’s Day Night (The Beatles)
Eight Days a Week (The Beatles)
Ticket To Ride (The Beatles)
Help! (The Beatles)
Yesterday (The Beatles)
Drive My Car (The Beatles)
Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles)
Tomorrow Never Knows (The Beatles)
Within You Without You (The Beatles)
With A Little Help From My Friends (The Beatles)
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (The Beatles)
Penny Lane (The Beatles)
All You Need Is Love (The Beatles)
While My Guitar Gently Weeps (The Beatles)
Yellow Submarine (The Beatles)
Get Back (The Beatles)
Come Together (The Beatles)
Let It Be (The Beatles)
Give Peace a Chance (John Lennon)
I’m Amazed (Paul McCartney)
My Sweet Lord (George Harrison)
Jealous Guy (John Lennon)
Give Me Love (George Harrison)
Photograph (Ringo Starr)
Imagine (John Lennon)
Band On The Run (Paul McCartney)
Stand By Me (John Lennon)
Let Em In (Paul McCartney)
Blow Away (Geoge Harrison)
Mull Of Kintyre (Paul McCartney)
Woman (John Lennon)
All Those Years Ago (George Harrison)
George Harrison & Ringo Starr Live ’84
Got My Mind Set On You (George Harrison)
My Brave Face (Paul McCartney)
When We Was Fab (George Harrison)
Hope Of Deliverance (Paul McCartney)
Free Bird (The Beatles)
Real Love (The Beatles)
Love Me Do (Ringo Starr)
Stuck Inside a Cloud (George Harrison)
This Never Happened Before (Paul McCartney)
Don’t Pass Me By (Ringo Starr)
McCartney & Starr Live
Walk With You (Ringo Starr feat. Paul McCartney)
New (Paul McCartney)
Rory and the Hurricanes (Ringo Starr)
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