Wie man den Planet wieder ins Gleichgewicht bekommt How-to-Balance-the-Planet

Gwenael Lewis fasst in rund neun Minuten zusammen, was alles schief läuft in unserer Gesellschaft, bzw., welch teils trivialen Gründe es für unnötige Verschwendung und teils surreal wirkende Ausrichtung der banalsten Alltagsdinge anbelangt. Da wirkt es wie eine unmeisterbare Aufgabe, den Planeten wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Aber es gibt Möglichkeiten!

„This film is about what we could do right to balance this beautiful planet we share.“

„Of course, we know that we impact the climate. However, even with the vast amounts of information available to us it is difficult to determine the ‘right’ thing to do. Climate issues are complex and overwhelming because the ‘right’ course of action in one place can be the ‘wrong’ action in another. But regardless of the complexities, one factor consistently causes damage to our environment: the consumption of large amounts of a single product. This consumption pattern is destructive despite how harmless the consumed material might be in small quantities. I began exploring climate issues as a design student over 15 years ago. Those years of research and development opened my eyes to notions of biodiversity and sustainability. It is my hope that this film communicates the importance of diverse and innovative practices while challenging the more commonly held beliefs of singular grand gestures of reduction. That ultimately, it is through our little actions that we make together that lead to profound impacts to our planet. And it is through the understanding of our own actions that we will attain balance.“

Quelle: designcollector

Beitrag von: Maik Sonntag, 23. Februar 2020, 12:02 Uhr

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