Verrückte Geschichte: Tetris als funktionierendes Spiel innerhalb eines Kürbis. Das Ganze hat Nathan Pryor für Halloween erstellt und Pumpktris getauft. 128 LEDs zeigen das eigentliche Spiel an, das mittels des Kürbisstauches steuern lässt. Cooles Design, das sicherlich einige Kiddies beim nächtlichen Trick-or-Treat bespaßen dürfte.
„One of my habits is to write down all the crazy, fleeting ideas I have, then go back to review later rather than judging right off the bat, or even worse, forgetting them. Earlier in the month I was looking through that idea notepad and found “Make Tetris Pumpkins” from sometime last year. My original plan had been to make forms to shape pumpkins into Tetris pieces as they grew, then stack them together for Halloween. Since Halloween was only a few weeks away and it was too late to start growing pumpkins, I thought ‚Why not make a pumpkin you can play Tetris on instead?'“
via: This Is Colossal!
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