Ich bin ja eh Fan von Sound-Visualisierungen, mit „Visual Sounds of the Amazon 2“ liefert Andy Thomas ein vortreffliches Beispiel, das nicht nur künstlerisch interessant aussieht, sondern mit seinen Regenwald-Geräuschen auch noch interessant klingt.
„These are abstract interpretations of bird sound recordings from my trip to the Amazon in 2016. This series is dedicated to the people of Brazil and the ecosystem of one of the worlds most amazing forests. The Amazon is know as the lungs of the world and is under constant and on going threats of deforestation. These are complicated issues that require compassion on all sides. As an artist I feel my roll is to be a voice of inspiration about the beauty of nature with an unconventional approach. Computer generated artwork can still have a connection with the natural world and I hope this is one example of that.“
Quelle: laughingsquid
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