Verschollene russische TV-Variante von "Der Herr der Ringe" aus 1991 Herr-der-Ringe-russische-tv-version

Bis Peter Jackson die filmische Trilogie inszeniert hatte, galt J.R.R. Tolkiens „Der Herr der Ringe“ ja eigentlich als filmisch nicht umsetzbar. Wieso man das dachte, kann man an diesem TV-Relikt absehen, das nach Jahrzehnten des Verschlusshaltens wieder aufgetaucht ist. 1991 war der folgende Verfilmungsversuch im Staatsfernsehen der Sowjetunion ausgestrahlt worden. Einmalig, weil der Erfolg sich dann wohl doch nicht ganz einstellen wollte…

Leider gibt es keine Untertitel, aber vermutlich wird das eh niemand ernsthaft durchstehen wollen. Für einen schreckhaften Einblick langt es allemal und YouTuber Chris Staecker hat in den Kommentaren ein paar Timestamps für die beiden Clips gelassen.

For English speakers who just want to see what everything looks like:
0:51 – Frodo in the Barrow-downs
2:00 – the Barrow-Wight, followed by Frodo’s ridiculous feet
5:19 – Frodo calls for Bombadil’s help
5:44 – Bombadil throws some stuff and saves them
8:35 – at the Prancing Pony
(from now on, they have given up on making the hobbits look smaller than other characters)
9:05 – Pete Townshend yells at them
10:27 – Frodo creeps on some opera singer
11:40 – Frodo meets Aragorn in the corner
15:52 – hobbits struggle to pronounce „Aragorn“
16:45 – Aragorn reveals his true identity
19:42 – Frodo fights the Nazgul at Weathertop
(the defeat of the Nazgul at the Ford of Bruinen happens offscreen)
21:22 – Frodo wakes up at Rivendell
26:14 – Elrond addresses the council
27:46 – Bilbo freaks out when he sees the ring
28:43 – Boromir addresses the council
31:05 – Gandalf meets with Saruman the White (yes he is still called „the White“ in this version)
32:40 – Saruman’s orc army
34:04 – Gandalf is caged by Saruman
34:23 – epic resue by the Eagles
36:28 – Introduction of Gimli Gloina (the „gnome“)
36:30 – and Legolas (a woman!)
38:24 – the Fellowship encounter absurd monsters in Moria
40:37 – the Fellowship wind their way through Moria
41:50 – epic battle with orcs in Moria
45:00 – crossing the bridge of Khazad-Dum
45:54 – the Fellowship realize that Gandalf just died offscreen
(no sign of the Balrog)
47:21 – Galadriel’s interminable dance troupe
53:51 – Galadriel speaks
56:51 – Galadriel freaks out when she sees the ring
57:40 – Finally, the Eye of Sauron
58:44 – Frodo clearly has never eaten an apple before
1:00:00 – Boromir menaces Frodo
1:02:41 – Frodo and Sam set out alone
For English speakers who just want to see what everything looks like:
5:26 – Bilbo addresses his birthday party
7:19 – Gandalf shows up
7:40 – Epic fireworks
13:30 – Bilbo uses the ring at his party
16:00 – Frodo gets the ring from the envelope
16:30 – the Nazgul
18:53 – Smeagol and Deagol
21:12 – Smeagol becomes Gollum
22:37 – Gandalf confronts Gollum
27:02 – the four hobbits set out
30:15 – the hobbits arrive… somewhere?
36:55 – hobbits in the Old Forest
38:35 – incomprehensible nonsense
40:31 – one of them is stuck in the tree, with ridiculous hobbit feet visible
41:49 – Tom Bombadil shows up
42:25 – Bombadil rescues that other one
44:54 – at Bombadil’s house with Tom’s ladyfriend
49:08 – cliffhanger ending with the Barrow-wight, or something

Quelle: kraftfuttermischwerk

Beitrag von: Maik Mittwoch, 7. April 2021, 09:55 Uhr

2 Kommentare

  1. Lukas says

    Glaube du hast die Timestamps vertauscht, also die ersten gehören zum Teil 2 und andersherum..

  2. Pingback: krims.krams (184) – MonsŦropolis

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