Statt einfach „nur“ rasant auf Skiern durchs alpine Gebiet zu sausen, hat sich Valentin Delluc einen Gleitschirm eingepackt und erreicht damit Spots, die sonst nicht möglich wären. Spektakuläre Aufnahmen!
„Always known for pushing his limits by combining freestyle and speedriding, Valentin Delluc is back at it again—but this time he’s taking on the deserted alpine resort Avoriaz. From the cables of the chairlifts to barrels, keys and wall rides, the French speedrider uses the empty French Alps resort as his own personal playground to pull off some insane tricks he’s never even done before. With huge logistical feats and some technical headaches, From Alvoriaz with Love is the ultimate test for one of the world’s best speedriders. Can he pull it off?“
Quelle: koreus
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