Eine Verfilmung der Uncharted-Reihe ist ja aktuell in der Mache. Youtuber mophinapg kam dem etwas holprigen Hollywood zuvor und hat kurzerhand seine ganz eigene Trilogie erstellt. Sämtliche drei bislang spielbaren Teile hat er anhand der Cutscenes und einiger wichtiger spielbaren Passagen in Filme verwandelt. Bei der Reihe kann man eh von inszenierten und interaktiven Filmerlebnissen sprechen, so zeigt es aber erst recht die wahre Bedeutung des Wortes „Spielfilm“ auf. Oder ist es ein Filmspiel?

Jedenfalls für alle, die keine Playstation haben, oder keine Lust, die Reihe zu spielen, oder einfach nochmal in Erinnerungen schwelgen wollen, folgen 497(!) Minuten Filmmaterial. Leider nicht in HD, also doch lieber selbst spielen!

„Considering this is the best game series I’ve ever played, and certainly the most cinematic, I decided to make them into movies. I decided that I would include every cinematic, and link them by the minimum gameplay needed to connect the cinematics without creating any plot holes. Obviously to do this I had to take out certain sections of gameplay, but doing so does not have any effect on story.“

Uncharted 1: Drake’s Fortune (The Movie)
Uncharted 1: Drake's Fortune (The Movie)

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (The Movie)

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (The Movie)

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (The Movie)

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (The Movie)

„As I was trying to make these as close to a real movie experience as I could, there were a few guidelines I decided to follow:

1. I would try to remove as many on screen references to this being a game as possible, such as chapter titles and button or new ammo prompts. Some of these would either be impossible or would too much negatively impact the quality of the film, such as the near constant ammo OSD, or the occasional „select“ prompt for drake’s journal during puzzles.

2. I would try to include as much of the puzzles, in game cinematics and cinematic gameplay elements as I could. Some areas still needed to be cut to keep the movie flowing properly or, in the case of Uncharted 2 and 3, to keep the run length shorter than it would have been otherwise.

3. I tried to keep as much in game dialogue as I could, as I believe those really help develop the characters. However, as I said, I also had to keep an eye on how much gameplay I was using to make sure it didn’t make things too boring or make the movie too long.“

Beitrag von: Maik Freitag, 27. April 2012, 08:50 Uhr

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