Oh, wie ich gerade sehe, hatte ich bereits ein Video von Colin Hesterly hier im Blog. 2016 der Kurzfilm „Nautilus„. Neben Kurzfilmen animiert Hesterly auch tolle Illustrationen für Werbespots, Festival-Titles oder, oder, oder. Hier zum einen sein 2018er Showreel sowie drei seiner animierten Arbeiten, die allesamt wunderbar flüssig gestaltet worden sind.
„Enjoy this small collection of my most recent films. Thanks to all the wonderfully talented artist that collaborated with me to make these films happen.“
„Co-directors Matthias Hoegg and Colin Hesterly return with our second TVC for American Express, exploring the benefits of the Platinum Cashback Everyday Credit Card. Produced out of Not To Scale HQ in London in collaboration with Ogilvy, the 2D and 3D animated film continues to build on the graphic style and colour palette of the latest Amex print campaign designed by illustrator Tom Haugomat.“
„I recently had the privilege to work alongside the talented crew at Belief Agency to help Microsoft promote their streaming capabilities through „Movies & TV.“ This director’s cut features a simplified narrative and tightened visuals for a bit of fun.“
„Hours. There never seems to be enough in the day. Follow Olivia on a metaphoric journey, from her overwhelming race against time to a futuristic and serene cloud-based life with the help of SendGrid. Working alongside the fantastic team at SendGrid, I was tasked to create a story, not focusing on the intangible aspects of email and technology. However, instead, create an emotional experience focused on the struggles of the every-growing modern workload.“
Weitere kreativen Arbeiten finden sich auf der Website von Colin Hersterly, oder auch auf seinen Profilen bei dribbble sowie Instagram.
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