Die geschätzte beabadoobee hat NPR Music einen Besuch abgestattet und vier Songs (“See You Soon”, “Perfect Pair”, “Ripples” und “Glue”) zum Besten gegeben. „Tiny Desk Concert“ in seiner Reinform!
„Beatrice Laus, who performs as beabadoobee, possesses the sort of soft, lilting voice that often runs the risk of getting lost in her signature sound — a mix of grungy, ’90s rock and noisy dream pop. Mix Laus the wrong way in a live setting and you miss out on vocals that lend whatever song they’re paired with an undeniable sweetness and sincerity. But in her Tiny Desk performance, beabadoobee drops her rock and roll tendencies to a low simmer, giving her voice ample room to shine in a collection of songs suited for our quiet little corner.“
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