Sagt man bei Schmetterlingen überhaupt „schlüpfen“? Jedenfalls bekommen wir hier einen Monarch-Falter zu sehen, der nach dem Verpuppen und Verwandeln aus seinem Kokon schlüpft. Da das Ganze etwas länger dauert, wird mittels Videotechnik etwas auf die Tube gedrückt.
„This sequences was filmed in my studio where I can control the lighting, temperature and humidity. Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, emerging time lapse. I think this his is a male butterfly emerging but some experts say it’s female yet others say it’s male. I’ve been advised that it’s male because you can see the scent gland on its wing. A signal that the butterfly is about to emerge is when the pupa case clears to reveal the butterfly within. The butterfly soon emerges and usually hanging in to the pupa skin. The newly emerged butterfly pumps its wings to make them expand. It takes several hours before the wings expand and dry. „
Quelle: twistedsifter
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