Sehr beeindruckende Aufnahmen von Joe Capra, der uns die isländische Mitternachtssonne etwas näher bringt. 17 Tage lang war er unterwegs und hat insgesamt 38.000 Bilder geschossen, 2.900 Meilen zurückgelegt und bündelt das alles in vier sehr schöne Minuten.
„During the Arctic summer, sunset was at midnight and sunrise was at 3am. The Arctic summer sun provided 24 hours a day of light, with as much as 6 hours daily of „Golden light“. Once the sun had set it wouldn’t even get dark enough for the stars to come out, and they don’t start to reappear until August.
My advice to everyone out there, photographer or not, is simple… You MUST visit Iceland sometime during your lifetime. You will never regret it.“
(via: Midnight Winkel)
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