Wundervolle Zeitrafferaufnahmen von Martin Heck. Mit „NOX ATACAMA“ liefert der Fotograf einen zum Träumen schönen wolkenfreien Sternenhimmel in 8K-Auflösung – wow!
„The Atacama desert is home to the darkest and cleanest skies in the world. A view to the nightsky rewards with uncountable numbers of stars and fantastic nebulas in one of the most quiet a empty places on earth. Not a single noise distracts from the grand show the nightsky has to offer. The environment is harsh though. Filmed in freezing temperatures, altitudes up to 5000m/16000ft, salt lakes and icy slopes, the Atacama is not friendly to life and equipment. Though it provides without doubt for epic and vast vistas of one of the greatest landscapes on earth.“
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