Im Dezember 2010, im damaligen Alter von gerademal 14 Jahren, hat David Espinosa damit begonnen, jeden Tag ein Bild von sich zu machen. Jetzt, knapp acht Jahre und 1.822 Bilder später hat er sie im Alte von nun 21 Jahren zu einem Zeitraffervideo zusammen gestellt. Und ja, ich bringe den Satz an dieser Stelle immer gerne: Sie werden ja so schnell erwachsen… Und wie auch immer Respekt fürs Durchhalten!
Interessant sind auch die FAQs, die Espinosa dem Video beigelegt hat:
1. Why didn’t you smile in most of your pictures?
It was easier to keep a consistent face without smiling.
2. How long will you keep doing this?
I plan on doing this until I die, so subscribe to my channel to see me age!
3. How long did this take to edit?
This took over 70 hours of editing: aligning each picture of my face and putting the video together.
4. What cameras did you use?
I started with a Nintendo DSi, I used it for 5 years, then I started using my iPhone (iPhone 5 and 6S).
5. What inspired you?
I saw the video by Noah Kalina when I was young and I had it in my mind for a while that I wanted to do the same thing. On a day that I had a lot of energy, I took my first picture.
6. How did you make this project?
I take selfies on my phone and I use programs on the computer to edit them into a video (paint.net, Sony Vegas Pro).“
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