Neues aus der Little Big World

Tilt-Shift-Video: „Ukraine Unreal“

Tilt-Shift-Video: "Ukraine Unreal" ukraine-unreal-tilt-shift-video

Joerg Daiber hat ein weiteres Kapitel seiner Little Big World aufgeschlagen, das aktueller und doch wehmütiger kaum sein könnte. Die Bilder zeigen, wie schön die Ukraine sein kann, wenn nicht gerade Panzer darin umherfahren…

„I know its difficult to enjoy these images from another time, but it’s a reminder how fragile and precious peace is and that we should not take it for granted.“

Interessant sind auch Daibers weitere Ausführungen zum Dreh und den aktuellen Umständen:

„I was visiting Ukraine by the end of last summer and finished this edit a few weeks back. This was about the time when the news started reporting about Putin deploying his troops around the border of Ukraine. Ever since then I was hesitant to publish this film and it got worse every day with events proceeding. So I know it’s a very difficult time to post a film that shows a beautiful and picturesque Ukraine, that looks like it’s straight out of a magical fairytale, while there are currently tanks surrounding the major cities, residential areas being shelled and millions of refugees trying to get out of the country. It’s heartbreaking to think about all the lovely people there and the suffering that they have to endure now. Something like this was unthinkable just a few months back. Of course the Donbas war was ongoing and everybody was still mad about Crimea, but regular and daily life was as normal as it could possibly be.
I spoke with many people about their opinion on Russia and none of them was in favour of Russian politics and literally everybody felt much closer to Europe than to Russia. Most of them didn’t even want their kids to learn Russian in school. I felt that the public mood towards Russian politics was even more negative as in many other former Soviet countries like Georgia, Moldova or Armenia. At least among younger people that I ran into.“

2 Kommentare

  1. Pingback: Tilt-Shift-Video: „Kyiv Forever“ - Portrait einer friedvollen Stadt

  2. Pingback: Tilt-Shift-Video: „Oh Odessa“ - Neues aus der Little Big World

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