Joerg Daiber nimmt uns in seiner neuesten Ausgabe der Little Big World mit in die Heimat des Weihnachtsmannes. Und das zu einer ungewöhnlich grünen Jahreszeit. „Rovaniemi, Lapland“ ist jetzt nicht das beste und aufregendste Tilt-Shift-Video jemals, hält aber auch wieder einige sehr schöne Landschaftsaufnahmen für uns bereit. Und den echten Weihnachtsmann!!1elfen
Rovaniemi is the regional capital of Lapland, Finland. It is located near the Arctic Circle. Rovaniemi is also considered by Finns to be the official home town of Santa Claus. There is also some amazing nature surrounding the city. I was lucky enough to spend a couple of very long days with midnight sun there.
Enjoy this Musical ride through Finish Lapland with reindeer, huskies and Santa Clause in only 3 minutes.
I am pretty sure, that some people will hate the Musical soundtrack for this film, but I think it’s hilarious, works great with the images and bring in just about the right amount of Christmas vibe for a film set during midsummer :)
Many thanks to Salla Tauriainen from Visit Rovaniemi for supporting this episode.
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