Die Little Big World von Joerg Daiber hat sich neulich erst der Ukraine als Land gewidmet, jetzt soll es um die Hauptstadt Kiew gehen. Die schaut aktuell leider alles andere als schön aus, um es gelinde auszudrücken. Diese Aufnahmen in „Kyiv Forever“ zeigen, was für ein Spirit in der Stadt herrscht, wenn gerade keine Panzer herumfahren und Bomben vom Himmel fallen…
„I was visiting Ukraine by the end of last summer and stayed a few days in Kyiv. People called it the ‚New Berlin‘ back then and in fact it was a bustling city and daily life was as normal as it could possibly be. In many ways I even preferred Kyiv over Berlin, which has gotten so mediocre in recent years. Only a few month later the city has been under attack and tousands of people have been killed in the outskirts of Kyiv by Russian troups. I still can not wrap my head around that. At least for now it seems that Kyiv is safe again, but the fighting continues elsewere.
It’s heartbreaking to think about all the lovely people there and the suffering that they have to endure. I know its difficult to enjoy these images from another time, but it’s a reminder how fragile and precious peace is and that we should not take it for granted.“
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