Die Little Big World von Joerg Daiber ist um ein deutsches Kapitel reicher. Ich war noch nie in Garmisch Partenkirchen und kenne das Örtchen tatsächlich nur vom Wintersport. Das scheint aber tatsächlich ein ziemlich schönes Stückchen Natur zu sein!
„As the pandemic continues, I get to explore and shoot more great places here in Germany. I was invited to film an episode of the amazing Garmisch-Partenkirchen and surrounding area this summer. There is an incredible amount of things you can do within a very small radius from the city. You can literally leave the city in any direction and find something amazing to see and to do. You even take a train from the city center which brings you directly to the Zugspitze, the highest mountain peak in Germany. „
Pingback: Tilt-Shift: Garmisch-Partenkirchen im Winter - Weißer Bergzauber