Joerg Daiber hat ein neues Video seiner Little Big World veröffentlicht. In „Rotterdam Rocks“ verschlägt es uns in die niederländische Stadt, die ich immerhin ein Mal auch selbst zu sehen bekommen habe. War nur ein Tagestrip (von Den Haag aus), aber alleine für das epochal gestaltete Einkaufszentrum/Marktgebäude lohnt es sich!
„Rotterdam is easily my new favorite city in Europe! I love everything about this place and would prefer it 10 times over Amsterdam for my next visit in Holland. Rotterdam has a population of only about 6-700.000, but in every corner it feels much more like an actual city than Berlin for instance, which ís more than 5 times bigger. The architecture is amazing, fantastic museums, bars clubs and restaurants. All the people I met were super nice, friendly and extemly helpful in getting my access to vantage points around the city. This footage has been sitting on my hard drive for a very long time now, before I came around to finally put it together. You can probably tell by the social distance circles in the park :)“
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