Inmitten der aktuellen Europa League-Zwischenrunde, in der mein BVB nach dem Hinspiel gegen den FC Salzburg am kommenden Donnerstag ein bisschen was wiedergutzumachen hat, passt dieses neue Stadtportrait von Joerg Daiber (zuvor hier) doch bestens rein. „Servus Salzburg“ ist einer seiner neuen LittleBigWorld-Streiche, passend zur Mini-Planet-Darstellung Wiens.
„Salzburg’s ‚Old Town‘ is internationally renowned for its baroque architecture and is one of the best-preserved city centers north of the Alps. But despite it being very picturesque, I give the city 10 points out of 10 for being a tacky tourist trap. So unless you have a strong addiction for Mozartkugeln I would not recommend to go there. Watch this movie and go to Vienna instead, which is also very pretty and a cool city. „
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