Gespielte Noten-Portraits


Tierkopf-Symphonien tierkoepfe-auf-notenblaetter-gemalt-gespielt

Noam Oxman komponiert sogenannte „Sympawnies“, also Symphonien mit Pfoten, wobei wir eigentlich in der Regel gar keine zu sehen bekommen. Dafür aber die Konterfei von vornehmlich Katzen und Hunden. Das schaut im gemalten Notenblatt-Arrangement bereits sehr schön aus, klingt dann aber erstaunlich wohlwollend für die Ohren! Und: Das sind nicht einfach irgendwelche Tierportraits, sondern die Gesichter von konkreten echten Tieren, die eine Geschichte mitbringen.

„🎼🐶 Dogvertimento in Eb for string trio – featuring Vinnie’s portrait. This piece tries to capture Vinnie’s elegance and gentleness through music. The slow 3/4 rhythm, the graceful motifs, the soft harmony progressions, and the sound of the string trio are combined together to hopefully create the right atmosphere. Happy birthday sweet Vinnie!“

„🎼🐱 Quincat no.2 in G. This piece, featuring the gorgeous Snickers‘ portrait, is playful, frantic, bouncy, sweet, affectionate, and a bit grumpy – just like Snickers.“

„🎼🐶 Marimba Quintail no.1 – featuring lovely Dottie’s portrait. This piece tries to convey the essence of Dottie’s persona through music. the combination of the percussive sound of the marimba, the strings pizzicato, and the woodwinds staccato creates a light and intelligent feel. Maybe somewhat funny and goofy as well.“

„🎼🐱 Purrlude in D for harp – in memory of sweet Miss Kitty ❤️ How to compose music that is „as light as air“ like Miss Kitty? There’s no question – compose for the harp, put some strums in the high register, and a few fast single-note tremolos – that’s how you compose music that is as light as air! Rest in peace sweet Miss Kitty 💔“

„🎺🐴 Brass Equintet – composed for her majesty, Quilona Z 👑. Commissioned by a client from Texas as a gift for her mother (who is also Quilona’s mother) ❤️ This piece is a celebration of beauty, power, and determination. Quilona Z is a retired champion and she is the embodiment of perfection. These emotions are hopefully conveyed through the regal rhythmic motifs that are being played with the festive sound of the brass quintet.“

„🎼🐶 Xylopawn nonet – in memory of little Foxxy ❤️ A pup as sweet and as full of character as Foxxy was, must be described musically with a xylophone nonet, and that’s why: you must have something that makes you feel warm inside – that’s the lush string section. Then you have to balance it with the lighter sound of the wind section, and finally, you have to add lots of character with the determined cutting sound of the xylophone! rest in peace sweet little Foxxy ❤️“

Weitere Sympawnies des Komponisten gibt es auch auf Instagram zu sehen und allgemeine Musik von ihm auf Soundcloud zu hören.

Quelle: „Beware!“

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Ich bin Maik Zehrfeld und habe diesen Blog 2006 aus Langeweile heraus gegen die Langeweile gegründet. Mittlerweile stellt eine Bastion der guten Laune dar, die nicht nur Langeweile vertreiben sondern auch nachhaltig inspirieren will. Gute Unterhaltung!

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