Ich mag groflächige Murals ungemein gerne und liebe es, sie bei Stadtgängen zu entdecken. Der niederländische Filmemacher Ben hat vor Kurzem dem polnischen Łódź einen Besuch abgestattet und während einer inspirierenden Rundfahrt allerlei klasse Motive eingefangen.
„‚My aim is to create a permanent exhibition of great art in the public space of Łódź,‘ says Michał Bieżyński, founder of Łódź Murals. Urban Forms Foundation was created in 2009. Since then there are more than 30 large mural paintings in the city of Łódź. (Poland) I had the pleasure to explore many of these murals thanks to my Polish colleague (Magda) who drove us through the city, while listening to the beautiful music of U2.“
Murals in my video:
1. artist: M-City (Poland) adress: ul. Legionów 19
2. artist: DALEAST (China) adress: ul. Łąkowa 10
3. artist: GREGOR (Poland) adress: ul.Wólczańska 159
4. artist: Paulina Nawrot and Ola Adamczuk adress: ul. Pomorska 22
5. artist: TONE (Poland) adress: ul. Legionów 57
6. artist: ETAM CREW (Poland) adress: al. Politechniki 16
7. artist: ROA (Belgium) adress: ul. Nowomiejska 5
8. artist: SEPE/CHAZME (Poland) adress: ul. Próchnika 9
9. artist: Zoer / Velvet (France) address: ul.Sienkiewicza 71 st
10. artist: Raspazjan (Poland) address: corner of Sienkiewicza and Tuwima street,
11. artist: M-CITY (Poland) adress: ul. Tuwima 16
12. artist: ETAM CREW (Poland) adress: ul. Uniwersytecka 3
13. artist: SAINER (Poland) adress: ul. Uniwersytecka 12
14. artist: GREGOR (Poland) adress: ul. Jaracza 59
15. artist: OS GEMEOS (Brazil) / ARYZ (Spain) adress: ul. Roosevelta 5
16. artist: MORIK (Russia) adress: ul. Więckowskiego 9
17. artist: KENOR (Spain) adress: ul. Pomorska 28
18. artist: EDUARDO KOBRA (tribute to Arthur Rubinstein) adress: ul. Sienkiewicza 18
19. artist: M-City (Poland) adress: ul. Legionów 19
20. artist: GREGOR (Poland) adress: ul. Roosevelt
21. artist: Design Futura adress: ul.Piotrkowska 152
22. artist: Artist (Design Futura) and polish and dutch students address: Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 8 in Łódź ul. Żubardzka 26
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