Extraterrestrischer Supercut

The History Of Aliens In Film


The History Of Aliens In Film history-of-aliens-in-films

Gelungener Zusammenschnitt von Adam Schleichkorn und Bryan Menegus für Digg, bei dem wir einen Streifzug durch die cineastische Geschichte der Außerirdischen geboten bekommen. Von kriseligen Untertassen am Faden bis hin zu CGI-Monstern der Moderne. Aliens haben bereits einen recht langen Weg hinter sich.

„From their earliest cinematic appearance in Georges Méliès’s „A Trip to the Moon“ in 1902, our conception of life beyond Earth has changed to reflect our hopes and fears, the technology we’ve mastered, and our growing knowledge of the universe. Watch our depictions of extraterrestrial life change over nearly 100 films and 112 years.“

The History Of Aliens In Film

Full List of films:

(1902) A Trip to the Moon
(1922) Himmelskibet
(1924) Aelita
(1940) Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe
(1951) The Day the Earth Stood Still
(1951) The Thing From Another World
(1953) The War of the Worlds
(1953) Abbott and Costello Go to Mars
(1956) Forbidden Planet
(1956) Invasion of the Body Snatchers
(1956) Earth vs. the Flying Saucers
(1957) 20 Million Miles To Earth
(1958) Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
(1959) The Angry Red Planet
(1967) Quatermass and the Pit
(1968) 2001: A Space Odyssey
(1968) Barbarella
(1968) Gamera vs Viras
(1971) The Andromeda Strain
(1972) Solaris
(1973) Fantastic Planet
(1976) The Man Who Fell to Earth
(1977) Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
(1977) Close Encounters of the Third Kind
(1978) Superman
(1978) Invasion of the Body Snatchers
(1979) Alien
(1979) Star Trek: The Motion Picture
(1980) Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
(1981) Heavy Metal
(1982) E.T. the Extra-Terrestria
(1982) The Thing
(1982) Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan
(1983) Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
(1984) Starman
(1984) 2010
(1984) The Last Starfighter
(1984) Dune
(1985) Cocoon
(1985) Enemy Mine
(1986) Flight of the Navigators
(1986) Critters
(1987) Amazon Women on the Moon
(1987) Predator
(1987) Spaceballs
(1988) Alien Nation
(1988) They Live
(1988) The Blob
(1989) The Abyss
(1990) Total Recall
(1993) Coneheads
(1194) Godzilla vs SpaceGodzilla
(1994) Stargate
(1995) Species
(1996) The Arrival
(1996) Independence Day
(1996) Space Jam
(1996) Mars Attacks
(1997) Starship Troopers
(1997) Men in Black
(1997) The Fifth Element
(1997) Contact
(1998) The X Files
(1998) The Faculty
(1998) Dark City
(1998) Lost in Space
(1998) The Shadow Men
(1999) Galaxy Quest
(1999) Muppets from Space
(2000) Pitch Black
(2000) Mission to Mars
(2001) K-PAX
(2002) Signs
(2002) Men in Black 2
(2003) Dreamcatcher
(2004) The Chronicles of Riddick
(2005) War of the Worlds
(2005) Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
(2005) The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
(2006) Slither
(2007) The Mist
(2007) Transformers
(2007) Spider-Man 3
(2008) Cloverfield
(2009) Avatar
(2009) Star Trek
(2009) District 9
(2009) Monsters vs. Aliens
(2011) Super 8
(2011) Cowboys and Aliens
(2011) Paul
(2011) Battle: Los Angeles
(2011) Attack the Block
(2012) Prometheus
(2013) Star Trek Into Darkness
(2013) Pacific Rim
(2014) Edge of Tomorrow
(2014) Guardians of the Galaxy

/// via: tastefullyoffensive

Beitrag von: Maik Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2015, 19:52 Uhr


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