Über den Zeitraum von sieben Monaten hat Mason Drumm viel Fantasie, noch mehr Leidenschaft und alleine über 90 Stunden Animationsarbeit in den Stopmotion-Film „INDOMATION“ gesteckt. Das Ergebnis ist eine wundervolle Hommage an die klassischen „Jurassic Park“-Filme, die so viele Leute inspiriert und unterhalten haben.
„The first stories I ever told were as a kid in the backyard with my Jurassic Park toys. Like so many others, that original film provoked my imagination and would ultimately lead me down the path to becoming a filmmaker. It’s fitting then that my first animated short film would feature Mattel’s Indoraptor figure, a toy that children today are no doubt bringing to life in their own imaginations. I hope you’ll enjoy watching the film as much as I did making it.“
Drumm hat auch noch ein recht ausführliches Making of-Video bereit gestellt, das uns an seinen Produktionsarbeiten teilhaben lässt:
„I only scratched the surface of what all was involved during that 7 month production. Would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and questions in the comments below. If there’s enough interests, I’ll make more BTS vids in the future. Thanks for watching!“
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