Hihi, „boobs“…! Tatsächlich nennt man sturmbedingte Staub-Aufwirbelungen in trockenen Gebieten (im Englischen) wohl „Haboobs“ – wieder was gelernt. Dass diese in „Mad Max“-Manier auf einen zurollenden Staub-Walzen auf Video auch noch schön aussehen können, beweist Filmemacher und Sturmjäger Mike Olbinski im Video „Haboob: A Decade of Dust“. Persönlich da drin stecken möchte ich aber nicht unbedingt.
„Last summer marked the 10th anniversary of the historic haboob that hit downtown Phoenix in 2011, which just happened to be my third ever time-lapse attempt. I posted it online, it did well and thus I decided to keep time-lapsing dust and storms. Here we are, over a decade later, and the amount of haboob goodness I’ve witnessed and captured on camera has been a blast. Incredibly fun, exhilarating and rewarding. It started as a passion, turned into a business and now I consult annually with production companies on how to capture them on film.“
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