Spot the differences Musikvideo spot_the_differences_musicvideo

Schöne Idee des Musikerduos Rhett & Link, die ihr Musikvideo in ein Ratespiel verwandelt haben. Denn das Video läuft doppelt ab. Allerdings „haben sich in der rechten Seite einige Fehler eingeschlichen“. Die moderne Variante des Fehlersuchbildes. Dazu gibt es ganz gute Töne zu hören und ein skurril-interessantes Video zu sehen. Zweifach.

Spot the Differences Side-by-Side Music Video - Rhett & Link

A purposeful change in the SET, PROPS, or WARDROBE.

1. Any changes in CHOREOGRAPHY are NOT differences.
Specifically, body positioning („after he’s knocked out, his legs/head/mouth etc. are different“) or timing of body movements (she grabs the cane slightly later in one performance) do not count as differences.

There are only TWO exceptions to this guideline, and here are some hints: (1) in one scene, one character is singing on one side but not singing at all on the other, and (2) a box opens during a performance on one side but not the other.

2. Also, A SLIGHT REPOSITIONING of the same item is NOT a difference.
For example, the exact way a bedspread or curtain is positioned, or the exact orientation of the same toy truck, or the way the same jacket is lying on the floor– these are not differences. If the same teddy bear slightly changes positions, that is not a difference. But, if the same teddy bear is wearing a shirt only on one side, that is a difference. A difference counts when you can discern a purposeful alteration. If a picture or object is slightly moved, that is not a difference. If a picture or object is discernibly rotated, that IS a difference.“

Ein bisschen VFX-Making-of-Material gibt es auch noch oben drauf:

VFX Behind the Scenes of Rhett and Link's "Spot the Differences" video

via: viralviralvideos

Beitrag von: Maik Donnerstag, 15. November 2012, 17:42 Uhr

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