So kreativ haben Leute Schlupflöcher ausgenutzt smart

Gesetze sind wichtig und Regeln ja in der Regel (höhö!) auch. So bleibt alles fair und in Ordnung. Eigentlich. Doch wenn jemand Regeln aufstellt, sollte man auch sicher gehen, dass sie sicher sind. Denn ansonsten findet sich immer jemand, der sie auszunutzen weiß. Ob das nun totale Unbedachtheit oder Dummheit des Ausgenutzten, oder schlicht die kreative Genialität des Ausnutzenden ist, sei dahingestellt. Aber in einigen Fällen muss man schon den Hut vor den Schlupfloch-Findern (heute würde man wohl „Lifehack-Erfindern“ sagen) ziehen. Und wenn man letztlich als jemand, der ähnliche Aktionen oder Dienstleistungen anbietet, einfach nur aus den Fehlschlägen (oder Gewinnen) anderer lernt…

Die Frage, die Redditor vibin_gamer gestellt hat, war eigentlich ganz einfach:

„What is the best loophole that you’ve ever found?“

Darauf haben einige Leute mit sehr originellen Geschichten geantwortet, von denen ich euch hier meine persönlichen Lieblinge präsentieren möchte.

Kino mit Pizza

Von ZachMartin:

„I used to work at papa johns to pay my way through college. There was a contest we had where if you got someone to „upsize“ their pizza from like a medium to a large for an extra $2, you got points towards movie tickets. A large was simply $2 extra normally anyways. Anyone that ordered a large, I simply put in a medium and „upsized“ it. I won every f**king week. My coworkers didn’t notice this obvious loophole and it didn’t cost the customer extra so I didn’t have a problem with this morally gray area. Free movie tickets every week was a huge in college.“

Günstige Flugreise

Von BrushGoodDar:

„I didn’t find this loophole but my friend did: A few years back, an online store had this promotion where whoever spent the most money over a month would get free round trip airplane tickets to anywhere in the world. My friend (who’s a f**king genius) found that one thing you could buy on the site was a gift certificate. So he bought a $25 gift certificate and kept spending it on another $25 gift certificate. So he ended up spending $25 on round trip tickets to Australia.“


Von machomoose:

„When I was a kid my town had a „slow bike race“ tournament. So the objective was to cross the finish line in last place, the key is to keep your balance. Well the rules stated that each time your foot hit the ground you would have 5 seconds subtracted from your time. But it didn’t say anything about keeping your foot planted on the ground. So once the race started I just stood there and waited until everyone else finished, waited a good 5 seconds after that, then just rode across the finish line. Ultimately they didn’t let me win which I think is horse s**t because they wrote sh**ty rules and a 12 year old found a loophole.“


Von taylor1288:

„Not very impressive but at my highschool we had to wear a buttondown and a tie to class every day. One of the kids realized that they never specified what kind of buttondown it had to be so he wore a hawaiian shirt to class with a tie. Technically it met the dress code so it stuck. Pretty soon most of the school started wearing hawaiian shirts with ties to class. We looked like a bunch of ridiculous Jimmy-Buffet-goes-Mormon types but it was worth it to spite the system. They changed the rule to ban hawaiian shirts a week later.“

Kostenloses Pay-TV

Von Guac__is__extra__:

„My dad figured out a good one back in the 80’s. Just like they do now, back then cable companies would give you a free weekend trial of a premium channel (HBO, Cinemax, etc) in an effort to get more people to sign up for those channels and pay more. However, our cable company’s method of giving you access to the special channel was to send a signal to your cable box which unlocked the channel. To turn off the channel at the end of the free trial, another signal was sent. My dad figured out that the signal to lock it was only sent for a short period of time, so before the end of the free weekend, he would unplug the cable box and then plug it back up the next day. Since the box never got the signal, we would have a free premium channel for a while. Usually after a month or two it would get shut off so we’d have to wait for the next free trial weekend.“

Kostenloses Essen

Von zephyrcoco:

„My friend made a spreadsheet of all the restaurants in town that gave you free stuff for your birthday, and mapped out the shortest route to take you to all of them.“

Kostenlose Pizza

Von TheDrunkenOkie:

„Back in 2013, Papa Johns had a promo for the Super Bowl where if you called the coin toss correctly, you would get a voucher for a free 1 topping pizza. However, the only control in place was you could only enter the contest one time per email address. I created more than 60 emails, half of them calling heads, half tails. Ate free for six weeks.“


Von CatTatze:

„Math lesson
Teacher: For this project you will work in groups of less than seven. Me: Sir, one is less than seven. … Teacher: Ok, fine. Do it all yourself then.
I got 70% on this assignment, highest mark I ever got in group work.“


Von Cartoonlad:

„I purchased a wireless keyboard at least eight years ago, maybe ten? It’s awesome, except I broke one of the keys about two years later, so I contacted the manufacturer to see about just buying a replacement control key because it’s awesome and I thought just the key would be cheap. But they said it’s still under warranty and they sent me a replacement. About two or three years later, a similar thing happens and I’m all set to throw down $$$ for a replacement, but the replacement keyboard’s warranty time started when they sent me that one, so I wound up with a replacement for my replacement. This just kept going on. I’m currently on my third or fourth replacement keyboard. I’ve lost count. (Over the years, the design of the keyboard has improved so much, the current one is not at all identical to the original K800 I purchased, but it’s still a fantastic keyboard. If they would ever give me an opportunity to buy a replacement, I would.)“

Wer als letztes…

Von bpbucko614 (und natürlich sollte man das Wort „schwul“ hier streichen bzw. durch „ein Schalker“ oder so ersetzen…):

„My brother once yelled „last one to jump in the pool is gay,“ and then jumped into the pool. However, I figured out that if I did not jump in then technically he would be the last one in the pool, and he is still gay to this day.“

Rubbellose aus der Tonne

Von Arthantos:

„I was working maintenance at McDonald’s when they did a Best Buy bucks promotion. Large sodas and large fries had a scratch off that was worth at least $1 at Best Buy. I would go through the trash daily, pulling out all the discarded scratch offs. I got a free computer that year for Christmas. I also had the poor cashier at Best Buy in tears. She had to manually scan each scratch off and verify the dollar amount.“


Von hear2fear:

„My college campus had a cafe with Deli and salad bar, the deli sandwiches were way over priced, like 8$ for a standard turkey sandwich. But the salad bar was very reasonable. (Subsidized to promote healthy eating) So I found that the Salad bar had all the same ingredients as the sandwiches, the meat was just shredded. The Deli would sale slices of bread for $0.25 each, so I would just buy the bread, load up and weigh my “salad” and grab some free mayo and mustard packets, then build my own sandwiches for under 2$. Used that trick for my last two years.“


Von mahck:

„Local radio station had a contest where you call in when they play same artist back to back to win a prize. Turns out they had a „now playing“ and „up next“ feature on their web site. My girlfriend at the time would start calling in before the second song even came on. Won tons of prizes ranging from concert tickets to a laptop.“

Mindestens genauso gut: Lustige Lügen, die Eltern ihren Kindern erzählen.

via: boredpanda | Bild: Sean Patrick Murphy

Beitrag von: Maik Samstag, 10. November 2018, 13:45 Uhr

3 Kommentare

    • Maik says

      Sehr nice! :) Immer wieder erstaunlich, dass es selbst heutzutage noch Aktionen ohne Limit pro Person gibt. Aber gut, dass sowas dann auch akzeptiert wird, statt sich künstlich querzustellen.

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