Nicolaus Wegner hat mal wieder einige sehr schöne Aufnahmen von Unwettern zusammengestellt. Es ist schon beeindruckend zu sehen, wie sich so eine Sturmzelle aufbaut.
„For a few months out of every year, the northern high plains bear witness to some of the most incredible and beautiful severe weather events on the planet. Rotating and rolling monsters composed of moisture and heat, sculpted into towering behemoths by wind and terrain. I do hope that this timelapse short film does these terrifically terrifying beasts of the sky justice. Keep in mind that everything about this video is over the top. It’s bombastic, slow, fast, then slow, then fast, has cows mooing somewhere, is weirdly edited and paced, and overall a little bonkers. But these storms are bonkers. Especially the nocturnal ones.“
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