Mike Olbinski hat mal wieder neue tolle Sturm-Aufnahmen für uns parat. Der mittlerweile sechste Teil der „Monsoon“-Reihe liefert rund acht Minuten eindrucksvolles Naturschauspiel, bei dem man stets nicht gerade unglücklich darüber ist, im Trockenen daheim zu sitzen. Wobei das live vermutlich nochmal drei Stufen eindrucksvolle sein dürfte…
„I’ve never spent two years making a Monsoon film before, so this was a first. Part of it was wanting to put out the best possible film I could, but a good chunk of it was the fact our recent summer storm seasons have been subpar at best, with 2020 the worst I can remember. 2019 wasn’t horrible, but there was about zero dust storms, with only a single haboob clip to salvage from that summer, so I wanted to wait until I had something more to add to it. Luckily for me, August 16th, 2020 happened and we scored a fantastic haboob chase from Casa Grande to Gila Bend along Interstate 8. It was what I had been hoping and praying for to complete this film. That was the only legit haboob day of the past two years and I’m glad I was there for it! Not only for this film, but for the BBC and one of their upcoming projects I’m proud to be a part of!“
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