„HOME“ heißt diese großartige Installation von Matthew Mazzotta. Der gigantische Flamingo, bzw. die Teile, die er vermeintlich unter Wasser hält, stehen im Central Terminal des Tampa International Airport. Florida ist ja in gewisser Weise auch das Zuhause der rosa gefärbten Vögel. Das muss schon gewaltig sein, die überdimensionalen Körperteile zu sehen zu bekommen, vor allem, wenn man exakt unter der verschwimmend spiegelnden Deckenfläche steht, die die Wasseroberfläche darstellen soll.
„Flights arrive and depart from the Tampa International Airport, bringing people – from their home, back home, to a new home, or a place that ‚feels like home‘. The idea of ‚home‘ in Florida is not only for people, it is also home for the abundance of wildlife that lives here as well. One of the most iconic animals of Florida is the flamingo, and even though its popularity and image graces innumerable pieces of memorabilia that claim to be from Florida, for years this beautiful bird has been thought to be non-native. However, recent research has changed the story of the flamingo’s home, and new findings trace its roots to Florida, which has caused a stir and excitement among researchers and residents. „
Quelle: „COLOSSAL“
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