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Restauration einer alten Öllampe

Restauration einer alten Öllampe alte-oellampe-restaurieren

Handwerk-YouTuber my mechanics hatte uns bereits vor einer Weile einen Wagenheber aus den 30 Jahren restauriert, dieses Mal ist eine alte Öllampe an der Reihe. Es hat irgendwie etwas Beruhigendes und seelenseitig Vervollständigendes, ihm bei dieser Arbeit zuzuschauen.

„It was pretty much exactly three weeks ago when I last visited my friend that works at the recycling station. He always takes interesting antique items at home and sells them on eBay, so he always has very cool old and rusty stuff to restore for me. Right at the moment when I first saw this oil lamp I knew I want to make a restoration video about it. He told me that must be a barn find because of the dirt that did stick to it. Not only because I liked its design, it was also very rusty and dirty and the glass was not broken. Well, it turned out later that it was indeed broken, but the crack was not visible and I realized that myself just after cleaning with the parts washer. I was shocked when I saw the huge crack, I wasn’t even sure if I made it when disassembling or cleaning. So I checked all the recordings right away to see if the crack was already there before and I was quite reliefed when I saw that I didn’t do it. I did a lot of research if it would be possible to repair it, unfortunately it’s impossible to fix a crack in glass. Due to safety resons it’s better to replace a cracked glass anyway, but I didn’t had a replacement part nor could I make a new one. As I’m only using this oil lamp as a decoration piece I decided to try my best in secure the crack to not get bigger and try to hide it as good as possible. I think I achieved a nice result with that. The oil lamp was zinc plated originally and didn’t had any paint on it. I can’t zinc plate and didn’t like the idea of such a rough finish. So I decided to paint it, at first I wanted to make it all black. I didn’t really liked the idea of having it all black and I wanted to give it a second color to play with. After long thinking I remembered „Eleanor“ from the movie „gone in 60 seconds“. I really like that grey metallic look and it fits perfectly with black in my opinion. To give it a nice touch I painted the raised letters red. I really like how this little Eleanor oil lamp turned out. I think the grey metallic body fits perfectly with the glossy black parts and the red letters „NEOLUX“ gives it a nice touch. With the nice repaired and cleaned glass this item turned into a very nice decoration piece and it makes me happy that I can show it off for display in my appartement from now on.“

Quelle: doobybrain

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  1. Pingback: Die Restauration einer ollen Öllampe – Das Kraftfuttermischwerk

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