Eine interessante interaktive Kunstinstallation des New Yorkers William Forsythe, die dieses Jahr in Frankfurt am Main aufgebaut wurde. Etliche Pendel und man selbst – „Nowhere and Everywhere at the Same Time No. 2“.
„Originally created for a solo dancer and 40 pendulums in an abandoned building on New Yorks historic High Line, the installation has been continuously developed in contexts as diverse as the monumental industrial architecture of the Turbine Hall of the Tate Modern, and the historical setting provided by the Arsenale of the Venice Biennale. This new edition preserves and privileges two central interests in Forsythe’s oeuvre: counterpoint and the unconscious choreographic competence induced by choreographic situations. Suspended from automated grids, more than 400 pendulums are activated to initiate a sweeping 15 part counterpoint of tempi, spacial juxtaposition and gradients of centrifugal force which offers the spectator a constantly morphing labyrinth of significant complexity.“
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