Playlist: 10 Lieblingsrocksongs von Nothing But Thieves Nothing-But-Thieves-Rock-Playlist

Happy Releaseday, Nothing But Thieves! Zur Feier der Veröffentlichung vom neuen Album Broken Machine haben mir die Jungs, die Ende des Jahres auf Tour sind (präsentiert von!), ihre aktuell liebsten Rocksongs genannt. Mit „Can’t Do“ von Everything Everything ist auch eines meiner persönlichen Highlights des Jahres mit dabei, insgesamt bekommt ihr mit den zehn ausgewählten Songs rund 40 Minuten gute bis sehr gute Mucke auf die Ohren. Perfekt zum Wochenendeinklang!

Track by Track

Hier zunächst die Songauswahl im Einzelnen, mit kurzen Kommentaren der Bandmitglieder selbst.

Wolf Alice – Don’t Delete The Kisses

„We’re really into the shift from their normal grungy, distorted angst to this stick your head out the car window love song. It’s a banger.“

Everything Everything – Can’t Do

„We love this band so much, infectious grooves and thought provoking lyrics. So creative. This song is manic desperation on the dance floor, which is in fact, a Sophie Ellis-Bexter song.“

Highly Suspect – My Name Is Human

„One of the best vocals in the business currently. Blows us away every time.“

The Xcerts – Feels Like Falling In Love

„Pop smash, love the Tom Petty/Springsteen vibe. Friends of ours for a long time and we think this is their best yet.“

Flyte – Cathy Come Home

„This band are so underrated. The song writing is some of the best we’ve seen in years. We really recommend this song to any Beatles fans.“

Alt J – In Cold Blood

„We had the pleasure of catching these guys play in Budapest at Sziget Festival and this song went absolutely off. They’re one of the most creative bands out there and are constantly reinventing themselves. They don’t even use cymbals, crazy. This song feels like the finale of a victorian themed sonic circus in 2030.“

Queens Of The Stone Age – Domesticated Animals

„If you like a riff look no further. One of our favourite bands and this is one of the reasons why. We’ve been eagerly awaiting this new album and we’re really ‘digging’ it. This song is like when you accidentally leave your defibrillators in the bath but you’re not upset about that.“

Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers – Running Down A Dream

„Joe here. Early but hazy memories of this song. Sitting in the back of my Dad’s car falling in and out of consciousness which conveniently leads me on to my beautifully constructed analogy. This song feels like a never ending car chase through the Arizonan desert.“

Foo Fighters – Sky Is A Neighbourhood

„Love the step up in production value, we appreciate that. Also, there’s a choir, so. This song sounds like the end of of the world but in a good way.“

Bloxx – Curtains

„Heard this song a few weeks ago and we have rinsing it. Good new music, indulge.“

Nothing But Thieves‘ Spotify Playlist

Beitrag von: Maik Freitag, 8. September 2017, 10:00 Uhr

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