Ordentlich Oldschool Nu-Metal gibt es bei der australischen Band Ocean Grove zu hören. Das klingt erst nach Limp Bizkit, schaut dann nach P.O.D. aus, um am Ende ordentlich in KoRn-Manier abzurocken. Eine interessante Mischung, die jetzt nicht wirklich etwas neu erfindet aber eine willkommene Rauheits-Abwechslung im glattgebügelten Musik-Kosmos ist, durch den uns die Radiosender heutzutage so führen.
„‚JUNKIE$‘ is the jet-fuelled counterpart to our latest single ‚Ask For The Anthem‘. Written from the very same studio session mojo back in early 2019, this song was always intended to be the follow-up track to ‚AFTA‘, both lyrically and instrumentally reaffirming the notion that we are who we are – scars and all – and that listeners should come to expect the unexpected with Ocean Grove – always. We address this song to all our fans, our so-called ‚Junkies‘, to embrace the Oddworld and to taste the new flavour. ‘JUNKIE$’ is our unapologetic anthem that we were going to deliver whether you asked for it or not. Cop it!“ (Frontmann Dale Tanne)
Director: Tig Terera (@t.ig_)
Cinematographer: Aaron Potter
Producer: Yasmin Lamb
Editor: Jonny Grace
AC: Cato Parker
Additional footage –
Director/producer/cinematographer: Thomas Elliott
Grip: Josh Hanson
Special thanks to Vyktoria, Seb, Ollie, Alex, Chinatown Market & Aoyama Archive
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