Nach den Solo-Eskapaden von Sänger Matthew „Murph“ Murphy haben die Wombats wieder als Band zusammengefunden und Musik gemacht. „Method to the Madness“ heißt das erste Stück, das als Vorbote zur neuen Platte des Trios dient und heute Nachmittag Video-Premiere auf YouTube gefeiert hat.
„‚Method To The Madness’ is about trying to find patterns within chaos and ultimately giving up, and letting go. Some of the lyrics are lifted from my own honeymoon experience – walking around European cities, being amongst tourists whilst simultaneously being one myself, and generally blagging it with last minute hotel bookings. Feeling excitement but still being fully aware that nothing much has changed.“ (Sänger Murph)
Regisseur Aaron Brown sagt zum kunstvoll gestalteten Musikvideo übrigens Folgendes:
„Murph told me where the material of the song came from and I really related to his honesty. The story is about how the muse finds you on its watch, not on ours. It is up to you to step into that inspiration without fear. The world of the muse doesn’t make sense, but its beauty is irresistible. It is also scary though. You have to walk down dark hallways and challenge your fears, but when you do you develop a relationship with the muse. You see where it hides out and in turn, what inspires it! By the end of the video, we see our hero bring the muse to life in an intentional way. She has found how to connect with it consciously, and not always be at the mercy of its bidding. Through this healthy relationship, our her has begun the path of an artist.“
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