Die US-Band Lunarcode liefert mit „Cuttin‘ the Cord“ einen Song, der gekonnt den Spagat zwischen Classic-Rock-Elementen und sommerlichem Indie-Vibe schafft. Dazu passt auch, dass man sich für das Musikvideo ein bisschen surreal angehaucht in die Wüste begeben hat. Wer direkt zur Musik möchte, steigt bei 1:15 ein.
„Through our lives we come across individuals, circumstances, and possible opportunities that leave us in a position of needing to decide whether to trust it or go another direction. These people or events tend to be those that suck us of our energy, deplete us of our power, and stray us from our path. Though through every struggle comes a voice within that helps you overcome the hurdles. Cuttin‘ the cord is a song of release, a fighter song, a song of regaining your own power and discovering your true potential and following your inner voice. Putting your foot down and creating those necessary boundaries. Fighting against those who hold us down or tell us we are no good. Those who keep us in bound and stagnant energy while we try to discover our purpose here during our short time on Earth. The video is a symbolic artistic expression of these things.“
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