Eine Art Pressluft-Xylophon mit Steinchen hat Neil Mendoza entwickelt und somit quasi die einzig wahre „Rock Band“ geschaffen. Mittels Midi-Player lässt sich das gute Stück – im Gegensatz zu vielen seiner prominenten Vorbilder menschlicher Natur – sogar recht genau steuern.
„The rock band is composed of electromechanical instruments that make music with rocks by throwing them through the air, slapping them and making them vibrate. The song that they’re playing, Here Comes the Sun, is biographical, describing the daily experience of a rock sitting on the ground.“
„The rock band is made up of the following members…
Pinger – fires small rocks at aluminium keys using solenoids.
Spinner – launches magnetic rocks, Hematite, at pieces of marble. Rocks are launched by spinning magnets using Applied Motion applied-motion.com stepper motors.
Slapper – slaps rocks with fake leather.
Buzzer – vibrates the plunger of a solenoid against a piece of marble.“
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