Binnen einer Woche und mit gerademal 40 Fehlversuchen hat der blogbekannteKaplamino diese neuerliche Murmel-Physik-Spielerei geschaffen. Neben der erneut sehr kreativen und eindrucksvollen Kettenreaktion weiß der YouTuber auch mal wieder ein paar interessante Insights in die Entstehung und den Aufbau der Murmelbahn zu gewähren:
„It is shorter than usual because I preferred to do few impressive tricks and focus on quality and how well it looked rather than complexity or length. Also because tricks with rubber bands are unpredictable and unreliable. As you saw I learned from my mistakes and put the most sensitive part at the beginning with the sliding trampoline, so that the vibrations of other tricks can’t trigger it too soon. The most complicated trick was the stack marble effect at 0:10 […]. The spacing between the two marbles had to be exactly the right one for it to work. This trick caused 90% of the fails. My favorite part and the main idea of this video is as you can guess the loop. It’s very satisfying. And what impresses me the most is the simplicity of the launch system, just 2 dominoes and a rubber band. And surprisingly it works almost every time.“
Pingback: Kaplamino bastelt für uns eine Murmel-Gummibänder-Bahn – und diese ist wirklich spitze! - KlonBlog