Cath aka The Square to Spare hat einige Videos erstellt, in denen sie Miniatur-Instrumente aus den Holzstielen bastelt, an denen mal Eiscreme hing. Neben einer Akustik-Gitarre hat sie auch ein paar E-Gitarren möglichst detailgetreu nachgebastelt. Nicht schlecht!
„Hi guys! I’m sooo excited to share this video of a DIY miniature acoustic guitar made with REAL wood. No polymer clay tutorial here! It’s made using just a few simple supplies (popsicle sticks, coffee stirrers, thread, etc) that most of us already have. I hope you enjoy this video!“
„Since so many of you loved my miniature acoustic guitar video, I’m back with a electric version! This tutorial is inspired by the iconic Fender stratocaster guitars! I use very simple craft supplies you can find anywhere so I hope you try it out!“
Für die Freunde klassischer Musik gibt es auch noch den Online-Kurs „Wie baue ich meine eigene Miniatur-Violine?“:
„Due to popular demand, here is a tutorial on how to make your own DIY miniature violin made with REAL wood. It’s made using just a few simple supplies (popsicle sticks, coffee stirrers, toothpicks, etc) that are easy to find.“
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