How awesome is this, please? Das Niederländische Designer-Duo Nathan Wierink und Tineke Beunders (ontwerpduo) hat mit Marbelous einen hölzernen Tisch erschaffen, der eingebaute Murmelbahnen besitzt. Weiter Bilder und Video weiter unten.
„Tineke : ‚The world of adults furniture and the world children’s toys don’t seem to belong together.
From my childhood I remember it was always exiting to combine these two. I used the woodcarvings of furniture as a playfield for my puppets, to play in a new world. With this feeling in mind we created a concept for a new piece of furniture.
We invented these functional woodcarvings. It is decoration you can play with. They applied woodcarvings in a piece of furniture that combines the world of adults with the world of the children. A marble track in a table. A new type of functional woodcarving, that invites you to play…“
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