Schönes, wenn auch leider viel zu kurzes (und bewegungsloses) Making of. Schauspieler Kevin Galbraith wird schon in Kürze ein Zombie der Serie The Walking Dead sein (, die gestern endlich in die zweite Staffel gestartet ist!).

Making a Zombie: The Walking Dead Make-Up Team making_a_zombie_01

„1. The “Walking Dead” makeup team fits actor Kevin Galbraith with a bald cap and accentuate his high cheekbones to make them look sunken.“

Making a Zombie: The Walking Dead Make-Up Team making_a_zombie_02

„2. Next, Galbraith is fitted with rotten-looking, custom-made dentures that can fit under a prosthesis.“

Making a Zombie: The Walking Dead Make-Up Team making_a_zombie_03

„3. A custom-made, foam latex prosthesis extends from Galbraith’s forehead to his neck.“

Making a Zombie: The Walking Dead Make-Up Team making_a_zombie_04

„4. Makeup artists Kevin Wasner (far left) and Jake Garber glue on individual body wounds. “We had to do his entire upper body. It took 45 minutes,” Nicotero says. Zombie blood is a mixture of Karo syrup, red and yellow food coloring and caramel, plus a drop of detergent so it soaks through clothing.“

Making a Zombie: The Walking Dead Make-Up Team making_a_zombie_05

„5. Garber next fits the greasy, sparse zombie wig to the bald cap.“

Making a Zombie: The Walking Dead Make-Up Team making_a_zombie_06

„6. Zombies have no time to shave so Wasner adds some stubble and some disgusting dried blood around Galbraith’s mouth. “It’s black sludge in their veins,” says Nicotero.“

Making a Zombie: The Walking Dead Make-Up Team making_a_zombie_07

„7. The application of hand-painted white contact lenses is the final step of Galbraith’s transformation from working actor to frightening zombie. “The most inspiring part of what we’re doing is that you can have the same person sit in your chair 10 times and they won’t look like the same person when they walk out of the makeup trailer,” says Nicotero.“


Beitrag von: Maik Montag, 17. Oktober 2011, 18:10 Uhr

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