Noch ein Lockdown-Song…?! Nicht ganz. Denn Brüll-Barde Frank Turner richtet den Blick nicht etwa in die belastet-limitierte Gegenwart, sondern in die Zukunft. Auf das, was wir alle wieder wollen – gemeinsame Erlebnisse! Hier das Lyric Video zu „The Gathering“.
„The biggest thing for me about the lockdown experience was about identity. I am the guy who tours, this is who I’ve been since I was sixteen. This is the longest period of time I’ve slept in the same bed continuously since I was seven. At a time when the pandemic has wreaked havoc all across the live music industry, I feel like it’s important to get back to the basics – playing live music to entertain a crowd. This summer, with Xtra Mile and friends, I’m taking the punk approach – do it yourself, find a way. I can’t wait.“
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